
An interesting Advaitic Satsang discussion - Food for thought


A open and healthy satsang discussion on Advaita Vedanta in one of FB groups 

Original Post question (initiating the satsang) : 
Does the world have some existence independent of imagination?
Some said as per the Shruti testimonies and vetted by prashthanatrayi bhashya of Shankara 
"The world does not exist outside imagination"

My 2 cents: 
Counter question to the original question in post
Does Shruti and Adi Shankara exist outside imagination?
 Author of original post: "
 surely not. Sankara confirms in the Adhyasa Bhasya, "Therefore the means of knowledge such as perception and the scriptures (pratyakṣādīni pramāṇāni śāstrāṇi) are for those that remain on the plane of avidya (avidyāvad""
My 2 cents: 
Great but if shankara itself is an imagination then how could his "confirmation" be taken as a testimony for it is equally imagined.. just as blind cannot lead a blind , imagined cannot liberate the imagined.... (Trying to be a devil's advocate here for a deeper inquiry)
In an imaginary world, imaginary rishis had imaginary revelations of the Veda shrutis (Vedas and Upanishads) for which imaginary commentaries were written by imaginary acharyas like Gautama, Adi Shankara, and others for which imaginary interpretations were given by other imaginary acharyas which deviated from the originally imagined Shankara Vada, as claimed by the imaginary SSS who tries to establish the back the originally imagined "Prestine Shankara Advaita" and that is being debated by imaginary you, me and others in an imaginary FB group in a imaginary world...

"That is imagination, this is imagination;
From That imagination this imagination comes.
From That imagination, this imagination removed or added;
imagination remains imagined". 

"Sarvam Kalvidam Kalpana"!😄

- Rephrasing the sacred Upanishad declarations as a food for thought for satsang sake.