
कालवहति च ब्रह्माण्ड प्रव्लय (kālavahati ca brahmāṇḍa pravlaya - time elapse and macrocosmic collapse)


    This fantastically simulated video provides a very very trancefully blissful immersive experience, of voyaging through several trillions of trillions of years of (space-)time travel, as a पक्वमुक्तक साक्षिन् (pakvamuktaka Sākśin - perfectly detached observer/witness) of the संहार /पर्लय (saṁhāra/pralaya - annihilation /involution) of the "phenomenal becoming" aka प्रकृति/शक्ति/शकल(prakṛti/śakti/śakala - primordial matter / energy / fragmented) to the ultimate state of "noumenal being" aka पुरुष/शिव/निषकल(puruṣa/śiva/niśkala - self / shiva / undivided). The philosophic beauty here is that, I, as the passive observer, watching this fabulous drama of the cosmic death, remain the आदिशेष (ādiśeṣa - primordial residue) experiencing the आनन्द निर्वान शून्य । चिदंबरम (ānanda nirvāna śūnya / cidaṁbaram - bliss of naked vacuum consciousness) in the lines of...

இன்றுவரு மோநாளைக் கேவருமோ அல்லதுமற்
றென்றுவரு மோஅறியேன் எங்கோவே - துன்றுமல
வெம்மாயை அற்று வெளிக்குள் வெளிகடந்து
சும்மா இருக்கும் சுகம்.
iṉṟuvaru mōnāḷaik kēvarumō allatumaṟ
ṟeṉṟuvaru mō'aṟiyēṉ eṅkōvē - tuṉṟumala
vem'māyai aṟṟu veḷikkuḷ veḷikaṭantu
cum'mā irukkum cukam.
Whether today it would come or tomorrow itself,
or it would never come, I do not know, Oh my King –
the bliss of transcending even the etherial barrier
and remaining in the sohum state,
rid of the oppressive cruel delusion
of an aanava malam!

-translation by Vanmikinathan
Tamil Reference : திருஅருட்பா: பரசிவ வணக்கம் (tiru'aruṭpā: paraciva vaṇakkam) (6.1.2)

    In other words of anthropic perspective, each viewer as the spectator/observer of the final involution into the महाविष्णु (MahāViṣṇu - cosmic expanse) is the आदिशेष (ādiśeṣa - primordial residue) holding the locus of the Lord श्रीमन् नारायण​ (śrīman nārāyaṇa) in अनन्त शयन(ananta śayana- eternal rest) as the अन्तर्यामि ब्रहमन (antaryāmi brahman - indwelling divinity).