
वेदान्तपरित्राणसत्सङ्ग (vedāntaparitrāṇasatsaṅga – vedanta retreat virtuous assemblage)


श्री गरुु भ्यो नमः (śrī gurubhyo namaḥ - salutations to holy gurus)॥

सदाशिव समारंभाम् शंकराचार्य मध्यमाम्।
अस्मद् आचार्य पर्यन्तां वन्दे गुरुपरंपराम्॥
sadāśiva samāraṃbhām śaṃkarācārya madhyamām।
asmad ācārya paryantāṃ vande guruparaṃparām॥
Beginning with Sadashiva, through Adi Shankaracharya in between and upto my own preceptor,I bow with reverence to the entire tradition of preceptors
Sanskrit Reference: गुरुवंदना (guruvaṃdanā perceptor salutation)

Dear Friends,

            Like many, I am a humble seeker taking my slow yet steady nascent baby-steps towards ब्रह्मजिज्ञासन           (brahmajijñāsana – desire to know diviity). And recently (August 2023), as part of such ब्रह्मज्ञानयात्र (brahmajñānayātra – divine-gnostic pilgrimage), I was divinely blessed to attend a वेदान्तपरित्राणसत्सङ्ग (vedāntaparitrāṇasatsaṅga – vedanta retreat virtuous assemblage) which was 5-day residential workshop in the दिव्यदेश शृङ्गेर्याः (divyadeśa śṛṅgeryāḥ - holy town of Sringeri),  wherein His Holiness जगद्गुरु श्री श्री शङ्कराचार्यभगवद्पाद  (jagadguru śrī śrī śaṅkarācāryabhagavadpāda)  formally established the sacred दक्षिणाम्नाय श्री शार्दापीठम् (dakṣiṇāmnāya śrī śārdāpīṭham) located under the foothills of the श्रीऋष्यशृङ्गगिरि (śrīṛṣyaśṛṅgagiri – Holy Rishyasringa hills) along the banks ofश्री तुङ्गभद्रानदी (śrī tuṅgabhadrānadī – Holy Tungabhadra river).

Figure 1: Batch 2 English (26 - 29 August 2023)

    The वेदान्तपरित्राण सत्सङ्गकार्यक्रम (vedāntaparitrāṇa satsaṅgakāryakrama – vedanta-retreat virtuous-assemblage-programme) is the brainchild of His Holiness ज्येष्ठमहासंनिधानम् श्री विधुशेकरभरतिस्वामिन् (jyeṣṭhamahāsaṃnidhānam śrī vidhuśekarabharatisvāmin) and blessed by none other than His Holiness महासंनिधानम् श्री भारतितीर्थमहास्वामिन् (mahāsaṃnidhānam śrī bhāratitīrthamahāsvāmin) who is the षाष्ठत्रिंशत् पीठाधिपति शृङ्गेरीपीठस्य (ṣāṣṭhatriṃśat pīṭhādhipati śṛṅgerīpīṭhasya – thrty-sixth pontiff of Sringeri Monastry).  

This आर्य कार्यक्रम (ārya kāryakrama – noble programme) was started with the vision of wide-spreading the प्रज्ञान हिन्दुसनतनधर्मस्य (prajñāna hindusanatanadharmasya -  wisdom of the eternal Hindu spirituality) by teaching its core tenets of उत्तरमीमांसकेवलाद्वैतदर्शन हिन्दुसनतनधर्मस्य (uttaramīmāṃsakevalādvaitadarśana hindusanatanadharmasya – superior inquiry philosophy of absolute nondualistic final wisdom). To this end, अहंब्रह्मास्मि केन्द्र (ahaṃbrahmāsmi kendra – Aham Brahmasmi Mission) was formally established with the प्रेषण (preṣaṇa - mission) of instrumentalizing this noble vision by conducting multiple brainstorming अन्तर्क्रियात्मक अध्यायनागाराः (antarkriyātmaka  adhyāyanāgārāḥ - interactive learning-workshops) facilitating health participative brainstorming discussion between the earnest knowledge-seekers on the one side and आचार्याः (ācāryāḥ - preceptors) & पण्डिताः (paṇḍitāḥ - scholars) and various subject matter experts, on the other.

The best part of this आर्य कार्यक्रम (ārya kāryakrama – noble programme) is that the entire learning objectives and curriculum for these workshops has been scoped and designed by various  आचार्याः (ācāryāḥ - preceptors) & पण्डिताः (paṇḍitāḥ - scholars) like Padma Shri V. R. Gowrishankar, Late Dr. M L Narasimha Murthy, Sri V.Subrahmanian, Sri HNLN Simha, (Lakshmeesha) etc., and above all, it has been reviewed, approved, and directly blessed by His Holiness ज्येष्ठमहासंनिधानम् श्री विधुशेकरभरतिस्वामिन् (jyeṣṭhamahāsaṃnidhānam śrī vidhuśekarabharatisvāmin). In fact, the अन्तर्क्रियात्मक अध्यायनागाराः (antarkriyātmaka  adhyāyanāgārāḥ - interactive learning-workshops) are formally concluded with an exclusive अपरोक्ष अनुग्रहभाषण ज्येष्ठमहासंनिधानस्य (aparokṣa anugrahabhāṣaṇa jyeṣṭhamahāsaṃnidhānasya – im-mediate blessing-discourse of the senrior supreme pontiff).

    The distinguishing charecteristic of these अन्तर्क्रियात्मक अध्यायनागाराः (antarkriyātmaka  adhyāyanāgārāḥ - interactive learning-workshops) is that it provides a holistic blend of चतुर्मार्ग संमेलन (caturmārga saṃmelana – four-path synergy) , as summarized below


मार्ग  (mārga– path)

कार्यसूची (kāryasūcī – agenda)


कर्म / क्रिया मार्ग (karma / kriyā mārga – ritual  path)

  • Daily participation in श्री चन्द्रमोउलीश्वर आराधनपूजा (śrī candramoulīśvara ārādhanapūjā)


भक्तिमार्ग (bhaktimārga  devotional path)

  • Daily practice of श्री लक्ष्मीनृसिंहपञ्चरत्नस्य आत्मार्थमननजप (śrī lakṣmīnṛsiṃhapañcaratnasya ātmārthamananajapa – self-motivated reflective chanting of Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Pancharatnam)
  • दिव्यदेश / आलय यात्राः- (divyadeśa / ālaya yātrāḥ - sacred space / temple pilgrimages) viz. श्री वनदुर्गा क्षेत्र (śrī vanadurgā kṣetra), श्री ऋष्यशृङ्ग क्षेत्र (śrī ṛṣyaśṛṅga kṣetra) &श्री मल्हनिकरेश्वर क्षेत्र (śrī malhanikareśvara kṣetra) etc.
  • महासमाधिस्थल श्री विधुशेकरभारति स्वामिनः (mahāsamādhisthala śrī vidhuśekarabhārati svāminaḥ – grand atonement site of Sri Vihukeshavara Bharati Swami)



ध्यानमार्ग (dhyānamārga – meditative  path)

  • प्राणायम (prāṇāyama – breath control)
  • ध्यान (dhyāna - meditation)


ज्ञानमार्ग (jñānamārga - gnosis path)

  • भालपाठ आस्तिकषड्दर्शननाम् (bhālapāṭha āstikaṣaḍdarśananām – elementary overview of six orthodox philosophies)
  • प्रायणियपाथ मुख्यप्रकरणग्रन्थानाम् (prāyaṇiyapātha mukhyaprakaraṇagranthānām – introductory study of important monographic treatises) viz. आत्मभोद  (ātmabhoda), विवेकचूदामणि (vivekacūdāmaṇi) etc.

The technical sessions by subject matter experts were so effectively handled even when addressing some advanced concepts that even a beginner student could comfortably relate to it and participate in the discussions.  Of course , अहंब्रह्मास्मि केन्द्र (ahaṃbrahmāsmi kendra – Aham Brahmasmi Mission) ensures the continuity of knowledge sharing even after the completion of these workshops by optimally leveraging the digital social-networking platforms and delivery channels like whatsapp, facebook etc., Afterall वेदाध्यायन (vedādhyāyana – vedic learming) is a continuum and collaborative peer to peer learning and knowledge sharing serves as a great catalyst.

Another key highlight is that the leadership team who are organizing these अन्तर्क्रियात्मक अध्यायनागाराः (antarkriyātmaka  adhyāyanāgārāḥ - interactive learning-workshops)   has startegically designed a multilinguistic learning pathway in consideration of the linguistically widely diversified भारतीयशीक्षार्तिन्जनसङ्ख्याविज्ञान (bhāratīyaśīkṣārtinjanasaṅkhyāvijñāna – India’s student demography).  For example, there are workshops not only in English but there are separately vernacularized workshops cutting across a variety of  regional languages including but not limited to Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi etc. And even logistically these workshops planned to be spread across different cities of India viz. Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad etc.

Last but not the least, I would like to highlight the meticulus planning, coordination in organizing these workshops from all perspective including but not limited to boarding, lodging and transportaion logistics. My hats off and humble salutations to all the organizers in general and with heartfelt special pranams to Sri Gautham and his family, for their hostpitality, sincereity and dedication – sheer निश्कामकर्म (niśkāmakarma – detached  service).

Before concluding, I would like to share on a personal note that as I was completing my 50 years of mortal life in the month of August, I honestly from the deepest of my heart consider it as साक्षात् गुरुकृपा (sākṣāt gurukṛpā – absolute grace of guru) that I was blessed with an opportunity to attend the वेदान्तपरित्राणसत्सङ्ग (vedāntaparitrāṇasatsaṅga – vedanta retreat virtuous assemblage).

श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः (śrī gurubhyo namaḥ - salutations to holy gurus)